Coromo naturel philosophy

Coromo naturelの想い

コロモ ナチューレはよりすぐりの天然素材と優れた日本のもの作りの力を集め、安心で心地よい服作りをテーマにしたアパレルコレクションです。

Coromo naturel is a collection of apparel based on the theme of making safe and comfortable clothes by gathering the best natural materials and excellent Japanese craftsmanship.
Because it is a textile product that we wear and put on our skin, we seek techniques that make the most of nature's blessings and comfort that feels good on the skin.
In order for us to live our daily lives in a healthy and vigorous manner, we are committed to the environment and the earth.
We try to make our products in consideration of our bodies, the environment and the global environment.

Coromo naturel


Natural & Ecological

また、コロモ ナチューレのオーガニックコットンコレクションの一部、ソックスやTシャツには、福島で有機栽培された綿花をブレンドして紡績した「ローカルコットン糸*」を使用しています。この糸を使い続ける事で綿花の自給率に少しでも貢献できればと考えています。 また、企画から仕上げまで、地球環境に配慮したアイディアと技術を駆使し、材料ロスを極力抑え、廃棄負荷の少ないサスティナブルな製造を心がけています。

We select natural materials that have grown up with the blessings of the earth, sun, and nature, and use natural fibers that have been created with as little impact on the environment as possible. Our motto is to create safe and comfortable products that are gentle to the wearer's mind and body, and we strive to develop products that pursue comfort through the subtle combination of materials.
Some of the socks and T-shirts in the organic cotton collection of Coromo naturel are made of "local cotton yarn" *, which is spun using a blend of organically grown cotton from Fukushima. By continuing to use this yarn, we hope to contribute to the self-sufficiency of cotton, even if only a little.
In addition, from planning to finishing, we make full use of ideas and technologies that consider the global environment, and try to minimize material loss and sustainable manufacturing with less waste.
*Local cotton yarn
This is an original yarn made by blending organically grown cotton in Fukushima Prefecture and certified organic raw cotton in Japan.
The cotton cultivation in Fukushima Prefecture is sponsored by the Cotton Project Fukushima.
Cotton cultivation in Fukushima Prefecture is sponsored by the Cotton Project Fukushima.


Traditional & Long Life Design


In Japan, there are wonderful textile cultures and traditional industries that are rooted in the local climate and climate. We respect the fascinating traditions and techniques of each region, and develop our products with the hope of connecting them to modern life, even if only a little, through our manufacturing.
We try to create long-life designs that not only pass on traditions but also fit today's lifestyles and allow people to enjoy fashion without getting bored.
It can be used as daily wear to make your life easier at home, as work wear to help you get your work done, or sometimes as stylish outdoor wear. We pursue designs that can be enjoyed by people of all ages by freely arranging them according to TPO and that can be loved for a long time.
Fashionable clothes that are unique to you are comfortable and have the power to make the wearer shine. Comfort, peace of mind, and a lively and cheerful mind ...... will accompany the wearer's feelings and make them feel something again. We are committed to making products that can be used for a long time.


Universal & Made in Japan

日本のもの作りの素晴らしさは世界に誇れるものです。コロモ ナチューレは日本各地の特徴ある繊維加工技術を持つ優れた生産者とのつながりを大切にしています。

The excellence of Japanese craftsmanship is something to be proud of in the world. Coromo naturel values its connections with excellent producers with distinctive fiber processing techniques from all over Japan.
We want to deliver to the world the comfortable products that we have created by gathering our strength. We will continue to grow step by step as a made-in-Japan brand that leads to the future, and provide and propose products and plans that can respond to a wide market while feeling the atmosphere of the times.

Coromo naturelの

Organic Cotton

一般的な綿花のように枯葉剤を播いた後に収穫されるのではなく、自然に葉が枯れ落ちるのを待ち、実が完熟してから摘み取られます。そのため繊維構造へのダメージが少なく繊維の空洞部分がしっかりしています。コロモ ナチューレは、製品を作る工程においてもなるべく環境負荷の少ない方法を選んだ上に、この繊維自体が本来持っているナチュラルな機能を活かしたもの作りを心がけています。また、そうしたオーガニックコットンを使うことで自然環境と人への配慮―フェアトレードや生産者の健やかな生活―がなされ、持続可能な暮らしを守ることにもつながると考えています。肌触りの良さと着心地の快適さを追求するもの作りを続けることで、農薬を使用しない畑が少しでも増える未来を、と願っています。

Organic cotton (organically grown cotton) is called "organic cotton" when it is grown without the use of genetically modified seeds and without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers on farmland approved by a certification body that has practiced organic farming for at least three years.
The cotton is not harvested after being sown with defoliants, as is the case with ordinary cotton, but is picked after the leaves have naturally withered away and the berries are fully ripe. This means that there is less damage to the fiber structure and the fiber cavities are tighter. Coromo naturel selects methods that have the least environmental impact in the manufacturing process, and strives to make products that take advantage of the natural functions of the fibers themselves. We also believe that the use of such organic cotton helps to protect the natural environment and people - fair trade and the healthy lives of the producers - and helps to protect sustainable living. We hope that by continuing to make products that are pleasant to the touch and comfortable to wear, the number of pesticide-free fields will increase in the future.



コロモ ナチューレは、綿花栽培から製品づくりまでを通して自然環境に配慮した、持続可能で豊かな新しいライフスタイルのあり方を提案するプロジェクトチーム「コットンプロジェクト福島」を主宰し、同じ志をもった仲間たちと活動しています。
福島県は、南限と北限を有する豊かな自然と気候に恵まれ、品質の高い農産物の生産が盛んな地域として受け継がれてきました。 県内の綿花栽培の歴史は、会津木綿にみられるように地域の特産物となった時代もありましたが、「棉」(わた)を育て収穫し、糸に加工して織物や様々な製品にするという伝統のある技術が現代では失われつつあります。綿花栽培は、農産物と同じく古くから生活に根付いていました。その歴史を絶やさないことが、自然環境への貢献にもつながると考えています。

A lifestyle that makes your mind and body happy lifestyle

Coromo naturel presides over the project team "Cotton Project Fukushima", which proposes a new sustainable and affluent lifestyle that considers the natural environment through everything from cotton cultivation to product manufacturing, and works with like-minded people.
Fukushima Prefecture has been blessed with rich nature and climate, with both southern and northern limits, and has been inherited as a region where the production of high quality agricultural products flourishes. There was a time in the history of cotton cultivation in the prefecture when it became a local specialty, as seen in Aizu cotton. However, the traditional technique of growing and harvesting cotton, processing it into yarn, and making it into textiles and various other products is being lost today. Cotton cultivation, like agricultural products, has been rooted in our daily lives since ancient times. We believe that keeping this history alive will also contribute to the natural environment.
Our current goal is to contribute as much as possible to increasing the domestic cotton self-sufficiency rate (even if it is only 0.1% of the domestic production). In order to achieve this, we need to create a continuous growing environment.
Our cultivation is conditional on organic farming, which involves devising ways to suit the climate of each land and cultivating without the use of pesticides or other chemicals to protect the soil environment.
In the development of our products, we use our original yarn (local cotton yarn) that is specially spun in Japan by blending locally grown cotton and raw cotton from overseas that has been certified organic by an official organization. We also try to make the best use of the characteristics of the raw materials and prioritize ease of use and comfort in the design of our cotton products, such as clothing and accessories that are necessary for daily life.
While inheriting the excellent skills and traditions that are being lost, we are working to make things in Japan using the wonderful techniques of various regions of Japan, with the hope of connecting the rich nature and culture to the future.

Aizu Cotton


会津木綿の大きな特徴の一つが、独自の工程によって生まれる風合いです。糊付けによる細かな節が、経糸と横糸の間に空気の層を含む役割を果たすのです。一般的な木綿の平織物に比べ、厚みがありふっくらとした質感で、生地により空気を含むようになり、また、汗もより吸い込むため保温性に優れています。堅牢で快適な会津木綿は、古くから過酷な労働に耐える野良着や長持ちする普段着などとして広く着用されていました。 生地は、昔のままの着物の幅で織られています。この生地幅を考慮することで生地のロス が少なくなり、また生地の風合いを活かしたデザインで製品にすることが新しいライフス タイルにおいて、エコロジーにつながると考えています。 現代は、昔ほどの過酷な労働は無くなったものの、地球温暖化など気候環境が年々厳しく、移り変わりも激しくなり、昔より身体の環境を保つことが難しいという状況が多くなりました。こんな時代の「頼れる一着」になればと願っています。先人の知恵と伝統が大切に受け継がれているこの会津木綿は、洗うごとに風合いがやわらかくなり、身体になじんでゆき、夏はさわやか、冬はふっくら暖かみのある、日々の暮らしに寄り添うような、独特の優しい風合いです。この会津木綿製品の良さを体感し、長きにわたりお楽しみいただければと思います。

Making the most of the characteristics of Aizu cotton

One of the main characteristics of Aizu cotton is the texture created by the unique process. The fine knots caused by the gluing process serve to contain a layer of air between the warp and weft yarns. The result is a thicker and fluffier texture than ordinary plain weave cotton fabrics, and the fabric contains more air and absorbs sweat better, thus retaining more heat. Robust and comfortable, Aizu cotton has been widely used since ancient times as wild clothes to withstand hard labor and as long-lasting everyday wear.
The fabric is woven in the width of kimono as it was in the past. By considering the width of the fabric, the fabric loss is reduced and the wind of the fabric is improved.
By considering the width of the fabric, we can reduce the loss of the fabric, and by using the texture of the fabric in the design, we can make products that are ecologically friendly in a new lifestyle.
We believe that taking into consideration the width of the fabric reduces the loss of fabric, and designing products with the texture of the fabric will lead to ecology in new lifestyles.
In today's world, we no longer work as hard as we did in the past, but the climate environment is becoming more severe and changing rapidly every year due to global warming, making it more difficult to maintain our physical environment than in the past. We hope that our clothes will become a "reliable piece of clothing" for these times. Aizu cotton, whose wisdom and traditions have been carefully handed down from generation to generation, becomes softer and more comfortable as it is washed, and has a unique, gentle texture that is refreshing in summer and plump and warm in winter. We hope that you will experience the quality of these Aizu cotton products and enjoy them for a long time.


その産業の歴史は、天正18年(1590年)の奥州仕置において伊勢より陸奥国会津に移封された蒲生氏郷が執った産業振興策に由来すると言われています。 寛永4年(1627年)には、加藤嘉明が以前の領国である伊予国松山から織師を招いて、会津に技術を広め、「伊予縞」(いよじま)と呼ばれる織物の技術が、現在の会津木綿の多彩な縞模様の素地となったようです。 寛永20年(1643年)、保科正之が綿花の栽培を奨励し、藩士の妻女の内職として木綿の織物に励むように勧告され、副作物として藍が栽培されていた事もあり、農民の妻女は綿花の手紡ぎを冬の間の収入源としていました。その後、明治時代後半に綿花の輸入量が増え、紡糸紡績業が発達すると、会津木綿の生産の場は農家から機業場へと移って行きました。

History of Aizu Cotton

Aizu cotton is a traditional craft still handed down in Mutsu-Katsugun (present-day western Fukushima Prefecture).
Aizu cotton is a sturdy, plain-weave cotton fabric that has been widely used since ancient times as field clothes and everyday wear suitable for hard labor.
The history of the industry is said to have originated from the industrial promotion measures taken by Ujisato Gamo, who was transferred from Ise to Mutsu-Katsutsu in 1590. In 1627, Yoshiaki Kato invited weavers from Matsuyama in Iyo Province, his former territory, to spread their techniques in Aizu, and the weaving technique called "Iyojima" became the basis for the various stripe patterns of today's Aizu cotton. In 1643, Masayuki Hoshina encouraged the cultivation of cotton and recommended that the wives and daughters of clan members work hard at cotton weaving as an inside job. Later, in the latter half of the Meiji Era (1868-1912), as cotton imports increased and the spinning industry developed, the production of Aizu cotton shifted from farmers to textile mills.
From the end of the Meiji era (1868-1912) to the Taisho era (1912-1926), the production of Aizu cotton reached its peak, but the number of weavers, which numbered about 30 at the time, is now limited to a few. The Yamada Cotton Weaving Company, which is still in operation today, was established in 1905 and ceased production during the war, but restarted after the war. Using Toyoda automatic looms produced in the early Showa period, they continue to weave Aizu cotton without a break. In the past, indigo dyeing was the basic dyeing method, but nowadays, chemical dyes are used to adjust the colors by blending red, blue, and yellow, and dozens of different types of threads are dyed to weave unique fabrics.

Botanic Dye


Botanical dyeing is a dyeing method developed in Japan that uses natural dyes extracted from plants (plant dyes). Each plant has its own natural pigment. Unlike chemical dyes, their particles are large and uneven, and while they appear to be one color, they contain many different and changing dyes, which diffusely reflect the light, resulting in colors with depth close to their natural state. In addition, they are finished in a way that causes as little damage as possible to the original fiber functions of natural fibers such as organic cotton. We use this dyeing method in the hope that the beautiful and soft colors and the energy of the plants will be received by the mind and body, and contribute to a comfortable lifestyle.
*This does not mean that products dyed with botanical dyeing have the benefits of plants.
*plant dye is fixed on top of the dye, so the parts that come into contact with the skin are made of plant materials.

Coromo naturel
our product


Aizu Cotton Collection

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Organic Cotton Collection

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